"The Seven Deadly Sins"
"The Seven Deadly Sins"(Japanese; "Nanatsu No Taizai") "The Seven deadly sins" is an anime that's been running for quite some time. It's been an anime that's attracted quite a lot of attention for all the right reasons and an anime that I enjoyed watching quite a lot and hope to see more of. The plot The plot of this anime takes place in a land called Brittania and focuses on the kingdom of Liones. The "Seven deadly sins" are a band of knights who disbanded and fled to various parts of the land after they were accused of starting a coup in the kingdom. The third princess of Liones, Elizabeth however sets out to find them and free the land from the clutches of the holy knights who were the real master minds behind the coup. After finding the leader of the seven deadly sins, meliodas( the dragons sin of wrath) in his bar, the "boars hat" she sets out on a quest with him to clear the names of the seven deadly sins and f...